Define What Success Means to You
Whether it’s related to your career or life in general – let me help you find clarity on what success means to YOU.
This online course will help you get rid of the overwhelm and noise by guiding you through powerful self-exploration exercises. It will allow you to define your priorities and you set goals that will make you truly happy.
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
From The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware
Do you sometimes feel:

Disoriented with where you're going in life and career, not knowing what you should be aiming for?
Overwhelmed with opportunities and directions in which you can go?
Stuck in a hamster wheel, too busy working on everyday things and not being able to plan your life and career?
Worried that you're wasting time and you will regret not following your passions and purpose earlier?
Pressured by society to follow a certain path and fit into a box that doesn't make you happy or fulfilled?
Misunderstood by friends and family because you're looking for something different from this life?
Confused about what will make you happy and how to structure your life and career?
You’re not alone, so many people feel the same way!
In fact, most of us do – because we don’t take the time to properly explore what success means to us. A lot of us simply assume that we know what it is for us by default. But do we really?
Success is so subjective and different for everyone. However, with so many preconceived notions about it and associations of success with symbols of status and wealth, we often get lost. It can also get skewed by the expectations of others – from our family and friends to colleagues and social circles.
I think it’s time we stopped living someone else’s idea of what to aim for. It’s time to become crystal clear on what success means and looks like to YOU.
Being Intentional about your life is VITAL to your success
Because it helps you focus on what’s truly important to you and filter out the noise. It helps you prioritise opportunities and areas of your life and career that you want to invest more time and energy into. It helps you stay true to yourself and create a fulfilling life and career.

"Without intention, there can be no productivity, and in turn no success."
Richard Branson
I'm inviting you to:

Become crystal clear on what’s important to you in life
Define your priorities and set sustainable goals for yourself
Start creating your unique and fulfilling life - both long-term and every day
Create a success statement that will help you stay on track and communicate your definition of success to others
Learn how to filter out opportunities that don’t serve you - and how to say no to them without ruining relationships
Create an action plan and implement with a no-excuses policy
Build productive routines and habits that will take you to the next level
Learn about the relationship between success and happiness
"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."
Greg McKeown
You only have one life, live it on your terms!
Why I've created this course
3 years ago I left the conventional path to success, my a secure job at Google – to move to the US and start a part-time job in a new field. I was moving in with my then long-distance boyfriend and was going to work on my business in the remaining time. I felt scared and very confused. Nobody could understand what I was doing and, to be completely honest with you, neither did I.
But I realized one thing: I was never meant to be successful in the conventional sense. I needed to find my own definition of success to understand where I was going and how to get there.
So I’ve done a ton of reading, research, courses, and general soul-searching on the concept of success and I’ve developed my own methodology to define it. It has helped me gain the vision and the clarity that I needed and to start acting on them.
Now, I want to share that methodology with you – and this is exactly what this course is.

How it works:
The course is a combination of Video lessons + Workbook exercises. However, it fits all types of all learning styles with all of the different formats:
Video Lessons
For the visual learners
Digital Workbook
To do the exercises and keep everything in one place
Text Transcripts
For those who prefer to read
Downloadable Audio Files
For auditory learners or those who'd like to do the course on the go

Course Outline:
Module 1 – The Theory
We will start with the basics, covering the definition of success and my theory behind the foundations of success. You will also learn about the mysterious relationship between success and happiness and how to create balance in your life.
Module 2 – The Groundwork
This module will get your creative juices flowing with some of my favorite exercises that will also help change your perspective of what success can be to you.
Module 3 – Long-term Success
Probably the most powerful module where you will have the most “a-ha!” moments about your life. These exercises will lay a solid foundation for your direction in life and help you define your purpose and priorities.
Module 4 – Everyday Succes
This module has been rated as the most fun one because we will be talking about your lifestyle and what you’d like it to be. These are the exercises that most people never take time to do, but they are also incredibly important!
Module 5 – Your Definition of Success
Aligning your results from the 3 foundational pillars of success and finalizing your success statement.
Module 6 – Implementation
I want you to start achieving your goals and stick to the direction you’ve defined for yourself. So this module is all about that.
Because I couldn’t stop there!
Bonus Module 1 - How to Say No
Helping you focus on what’s important to you and preserve your energy and time - by learning to say no. Without being rude or ruining relationships
Bonus Module 2 - Success and Happiness
Going deeper into the relationship between happiness and success - and helping you build successful habits and rituals to be happier and more successful
Bonus Module 3 - The Art of Self Love
When we don’t love ourselves we often don’t allow ourselves to reach our full potential - or to be successful on our terms. And this is exactly what we will talk about in this module
Lifetime Access
Lifetime access to the full course and its materials - come back to this process at any time
Course price: $157
Which is less than what your coffee addiction costs per year. But in the grand scheme of things what’s more important?
This one-time payment will give you lifetime access to this life-changing course. Your happiness is worth investing in. Let me help you define what success means to you.

Vivian Smiari, Greece
Signing up to these courses was the best decision I made. The exercises are practical and so well thought out that when you finish them you will be blown by the revelations you have figured out about yourself. The motivational boost I needed to chase my goals.

Nicole George, Australia
Masha is masterful at teaching fellow ambitious women how to not only dream big but how to ACTUALLY make those dreams a reality. Her strategies are next level, helping to dig deep within yourself to pull out the underlying beliefs that are holding you back from living your best life, and guiding you on how to overcome them. Thanks to Masha, I have been able to carve out my career goals with clarity and purpose, based on MY definition of success. I was able to align my dreams with an actionable roadmap without feeling overwhelmed, all thanks to Masha!
Want to have a sneak peak of my methodology?
I’ve created a Free Course that shares my theory behind defining success and some exercises from the full course. If you’d like a taster of what this course can bring you, it would be a great place to start!
This sale won’t last forever though, so make sure you dig into the exercises not to miss out on the 40% off deal!
Who is this course for?It's for anyone who wants to clarify what their image of success is and is ready to start living their life on their terms!
Is this a live course?Course materials have been pre-recorded and delivered to you through Thinkific so you can do them at your own pace.
What does lifetime access give me?You will get access to this course for as long as it exists! And not only to this version but also to all of its evolutions down the line.
Will this course help me with my career?Will this course help me with my career?
Will it teach me to code?No, this course is not about programming :)