Dasani and Dasani Decoded
Dasani is such a bright and beautiful person! She is constantly growing in all directions: from her technical skills to her art and writing, while also travelling and developing as a person. Watching this girl is always so inspiring, she is such a badass!
Follow Dasani on social media and learn about her story below!

About Dasani
I’m currently a Program Manager at Microsoft. I originally started my blog, Dasani Decoded as a way to bring value to my community through my life experiences: this includes my journey in tech, travel and other lessons I’ve learnt while doodling and writing along the way.

How did you get into tech?
I got into tech in my last two years in high school. A few of my friends had started programming and it bugged me that I couldn’t understand what they were saying. So I took the class even though it terrified me and a few of my teachers told me to stick to art instead. I learnt computer science in a unique situation – we had limited access to wifi and computers. I only got access to the computer lab only 2 hours a week – so I would often write programs down in my notebook and try to solve problems on paper. Things are so different for me now – I can barely survive without my laptop! I wasn’t originally planning on majoring in computer science in college but I kept finding my way in computer science classes because I just wanted to learn more – so I eventually gave in and majored in computer science. I also minored in math and philosophy just to keep things interesting. My sophomore year I interned at Google and the experience I had confirmed my choice to stay in tech. I subsequently interned at Microsoft and Khan Academy and now I work at Microsoft fulltime!
What languages/technologies do you have the most experience in?
Java was the first language I learnt. I also am comfortable with python and C#
What are you currently learning/practising?
I am currently learning a lot about accounting and supply chain management – something I never thought I’d learn.
What are your favourite resources to learn/stay updated on tech?
LinkedIn and Medium
What would people learn about by following you?
I try to provide as much value as I can through my life experiences, whether it’s tech, navigating the workplace as a woman, self-acceptance and learning your worth or travelling and art – I try to make it as valuable as I can. I have a lot of interests so that is something that is definitely reflecting in my blog and social media.
If I have the time I leverage the experiences of my network as well and bring value through their life and knowledge as well. I try to share as many opportunities as I can because access to information is power.
What inspired you to start sharing your experiences on social media?
Through LinkedIn and my mentees, I noticed that I was constantly asked the same questions: How did you get your job? How did you structure your resume? Am I good enough to get this role?, etc. While I knew that I could keep answering the same questions individually I figured writing it all down in one place would increase my reach and give this information to people who were hesitant to reach out to me or weren’t in my network. I also noticed I was ignoring my skill and passion for art and writing so I figured social media and blogging would be a good way to hit two birds with one stone! As a bonus – I also ended up building my community and have met so many incredible people through this process.
How can we get in touch with you?
I’m pretty responsive through LinkedIn and Instagram!

Lightning round
iPhone or Android?
Dogs or cats?
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough
What’s the next place you want to travel to?
How many hours of sleep do you need to get to feel like yourself?
What is your superpower?
I don’t know how you do it all, Dasani!! I’m always inspired by you and I’m very excited to see what you get up to in the next few years!
Follow Dasani here:
