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March 10: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 49

Happy International Women’s Day to all of the incredible women out there! What a wonderful holiday and a chance to recognise how strong, talented, ambitious, powerful, smart, innovative, groundbreaking, gorgeous, multidimensional women are. And how empowering each other is a powerful way to raise everyone’s level!

So here’s another Women in Tech Weekly, filled with celebrations of fellow badasses and resources to help you grow. Cheers to you, ladies! Don’t forget to share your story for the next one. Make sure to check out the submission form at the bottom of the post 🙂

Featured Woman 👩‍💻

Laurence and Learn to Code With Me

Laurence is unstoppable and her story is very inspiring! She was on a completely different path before she pivoted into tech, teaching herself how to code. Since then she has discovered a passion for teaching others and she is killing it with her business and initiatives! Her podcast is a must-listen for any techie.

Laurence is a wonderful person and she spreads her wisdom in everything she does – make sure you’re following her!

Celebrations 🥂🎉

Dasani and Katia won their first hackathon!

In Dasani’s own words:

“We won the IATA Hackathon for limited mobility passengers in airports and airplanes. We built an app to help passengers seamlessly check-in their wheelchair and help both the airline and passenger track it. We also built a dashboard to display airline accessibility-related statistics.”

Still in awe that we won the IATA air mobility hackathon in the mobility aid tracking category. We built a system that allows someone to frictionlessly check in their wheelchair and track it. Both passengers and airline and airport employees can be aware of where someone's mobility aid is at all times. We also built a dashboard that connects to a passenger survey and displays data regarding airport and airline accessibility. Working with Live Baby Live during the hackathon really opened my eyes to the reality of air travel for people with limited mobility and their families: – most airplanes don't have accesible bathrooms – wheelchairs are often broken and mishandled during check in (and these things can cost more than a car!!) – and lots airports don't have accessible ways to get on and off a plane While the Hackathon was focused on improving air travel the limitations in traveling have huge consequences that I didn't think about before – interviewing for schools and companies, getting to meetings or classes going to events and conferences and so much more! What are some ways you could be more inclusive in your work place? #IATA #HackAbility #accessibility

A post shared by Dasani Madipalli (@dasani_decoded) on Feb 24, 2020 at 5:35pm PST

Prasha became a business owner!

Prasha has finalised her company registration paperwork and is now a proud owner of Her STEM Consulting LLC!

Congratulations, Prasha!! This is the beginning of something incredibly badass! We are all very proud of you and excited to see what you get up to with your business!

A post shared by Women in STEM Coach (@prashadutra) on Mar 5, 2020 at 8:57am PST

Linda gave an awesome interview to Fox Tech!

Linda is working on some very exciting projects, including data visualization for the elections and she shares her story in this interview! Thank you, Linda, for being an inspiration for all of us and being such a badass with an exquisite style!

Robyn created and taught a programming class!

Robyn created a course introducing Data Structures in Java and taught a killed it teaching it to a large group of people (almost 40 attendees!).

Congratulations Robyn, this is incredible! You never cease to amaze us and we’re all very excited to see what will be your next goal!

A post shared by Programm.r (@programm.r) on Mar 5, 2020 at 5:24pm PST

Resources 👩‍💻

Hiba says:

“There are so many issues women have to deal with at the workplace that many don’t know. It’s so important to discuss ways of giving them a positive environment and support. Even though; they may be quiet about what they go through. ”

A post shared by Hiba : CompSci Student (@hibacodes) on Mar 8, 2020 at 1:51pm PDT

And three resources created and shared by me 🙂

Can you believe that we still have a Gender Pay Gap in Tech in 2020? Unfortunately, statistics show us how bad it is…

As we all know there’s a significant gender pay gap in tech – and I’ll share some numbers in this video to prove it. So what can we, as women do about it to get higher salaries? Negotiate! Let me give you some tips on how to do that.

Happy International Women’s Day! What a wonderful holiday and a chance to recognise incredible women in our lives 🥰 With this occasion in mind, I wanted to share some thoughts on how women can support and empower other women – because it’s a beautiful thing to do and together we are so much stronger!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you’d like to share something for next week’s issue, here’s the submission form!! Bookmark that and add anything you’d like to share in there 🙂

</Coding Blonde>


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