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March 23: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 51

Another Tuesday, another week of quarantine. Please make sure that you are staying updated on the situation, taking the necessary measures and are protecting yourself and your community by staying inside. This is a time for all of us to work together – because together we are stronger!

There are plenty of awesome things happening in the world as we stay inside though. In fact, we have quite a lot of women to celebrate this week! Join me in doing so in this week’s issue of Women in Tech Weekly 🥰

Don’t forget to share your story for the next one. Make sure to check out the submission form at the bottom of the post 🙂

Featured Woman 👩‍💻

Natasha DeCoste

Natasha is a wonderful soul and a curious foodie. She got into tech by seeing coding as a problem-solving challenge – which is the best way to describe it, I think! Follow this awesome girl to get a regular dose of her humour and positivity.

Celebrations 🥂🎉

Valeria is celebrating representation for women in tech!

In her own words:

“I was featured in Google devs in their IWD.”

A post shared by Valeria Duran de Ruiz (@valeriana.swift) on Mar 11, 2020 at 2:44pm PDT

Jessica celebrated her birthday!

Happy Birthday, Jessica! It sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time with your lovely family and quarantine crew 😍 May this year bring you new opportunities to have an impact in this world, lots of happy moments and smiles!

A post shared by Jessica Naziri | Tech Expert (@jessicanaziri) on Mar 17, 2020 at 9:59pm PDT

Laurence got married!

Congratulations, Laurence! Here’s to an eternity of love, smiles, and partnership 🥂

Also, what a powerful move and a wonderful post. You are right, we can’t control the virus, but we can still control our actions.

I can’t control coronavirus but I can still get married (even if it’s just four guests – see my previous post for more on that). ⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can control my attitude. ⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can wash my hands.⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can social distance.⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can choose how much news I consume today.⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can make the best of my current situation. ⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can pray that our government & business leaders has wisdom and strength to make the best decisions.⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can control the words that I say. ⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can control how I empathize with others.⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can acknowledge all the blessings I do have right now. ⁣ ⁣ I can’t control coronavirus but I can control my outlook on the future. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️⁣ March 14, 2020 ⁣ P.S. If you’re a bride-to-be panicking about your wedding plans, I’ve been there. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like (DM). It’s hard but it will be okay. ⁣ ⁣ #coronavirus #pandemic #pandemicwedding #pandemicbride #covid19wedding #covid19bride #justmarried #newlyweds #mrandmrs #tilldeathdouspart #forbetterorworse #washyourhands #handsanitizer

A post shared by Laurence Bradford <LTCWM> (@laurencebradford) on Mar 17, 2020 at 5:39am PDT

Kim turned 27!

Happy Birthday, Kim! May this year bring you lots of joy, interesting projects and the feeling of fulfilment 🥰

🍰 I TURN 27 TODAY !!! 🥳 ‍ 🤷🏽‍♀️😔 SOOOOO when I said I wanted to just hang out at home on my birthday and then maybe a small gathering afterwords… the virus and its global effects are not not what I had in mind. 🤬 I do find humor in the fact that I JUST switched companies where the opportunity was no longer remote… only to begin working from home again 3 weeks in 🙃 ‍ 🎁 I still have gifts in the mail it seems, but this year, I'm just thankful to have my health and able to work from home in a new job I love. However, if you want to send me some time of birthday love- please share my services and blog with a friend and support my business! I always love reviewing resumes and career coaching and helping you move forward in your Salesforce journey 🥰☁️ ‍ ♓ Shoutout to my fellow Pisces pals who also have to celebrate their birthday in isolation 🐟🎈🥳 ‍ 🥂 And thank you to some of my new friends along this way this year that have become my IRL friends~ I'm so thankful for your friendship and I truly believe it has impacted what this past year has been for me. Cheers to the future! ‍ 😷 🧼 As always, make good choices and stay healthy! ‍ . . . . . . #quarantinedbday #27thbirthday #blossomsdc #canigetcakedelivered #birthdayballoons #blossom #coronabirthday #covid19 #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness

A post shared by Salesforce Consulting & Coach (@lipstickandtech) on Mar 19, 2020 at 8:45am PDT

Sarah reached 20k followers on Instagram!

Congratulations, Sarah! Thank you for continuing to spread your knowledge and creativity with the world 🥰 It’s incredibly empowering to see your science-inspired makeup and to learn in such a fun way!

Resources 👩‍💻

Free Learning Materials – created and shared by Selen

Selen says:

“In this lockdown, we need to keep up with our studies :)”

Virginia says:

“I made a list of 10 resources (online courses) that are totally free on data science-related areas!”

Samantha’s content has always been incredibly interesting and valuable – and in these strange times, she is sharing information on the mysterious global pandemic. Follow her account for scientific updates on the topic!

#COVID19 UPDATE 🦠 . According to the latest situation report from @WHO, there are currently 79, 331 confirmed cases globally (715 new), with 97% of confirmed cases in China, and 96% of the total 2595 deaths in the province of Hubei. . Lebanon, Israel, and Kuwait saw their first cases this week, and Korea now has over 763 cases, with over 600 of those transmitted within the country. Italy has also seen a recent increase in new cases. . While early on most international infections could be traced back to direct contact with someone from Wuhan, that is no longer the case. In fact, there is an increasing trend of community transmission in countries outside China (swipe ⏭ for graph), and several infectious disease experts are warning it may be too late to simply try to contain the virus. . Some important insights were shared in a 2-hour press conference today by Dr. Bruce Aylward, who led the WHO’s #COVID19 mission to China, including: . ▪️Viral spread CAN be mitigated (swipe ⏭ for epidemic curve) ▪️Rate of infections amongst healthcare workers in China is ⬇️ ▪️Most healthcare worker infections came from community, not health settings designed for COVID-19 patients ▪️Not a lot of kids getting sick, nor being the sources of spread (contrary to flu) . The main driver of spread seems to be transmission in households, although that might be due to the strict lock-downs in China, and may not be the case in other countries. . Dr. Aylward said there is NOT a lot of evidence to support theories that, “we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg” of cases, ie. that the virus is spreading wildly through undetected & asymptomatic cases. . In fact, a Chinese clinic that tested 320,000 samples found less than 0.49% were positive, meaning vast majority of transmissions are likely from people presenting with clinical symptoms. We’ll be able to confirm this once antibody tests for COVID-19 recently developed in China start to get tested. . Some good news? US biotech firm Moderna just announced they have a vaccine ready for human clinical trials starting as early as April. . In the meantime we all have to share resources equitably, and reduce stigma that marginalizes & silences.

A post shared by samantha yammine phd | she/her (@science.sam) on Feb 25, 2020 at 11:10am PST

Free Tools and Resources for Working from Home – created and shared by me 🙂

If you’d like to be more productive working from home, read my recent post and download my list of free tools and resources that can help you!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you’d like to share something for next week’s issue, here’s the submission form!! Bookmark that and add anything you’d like to share in there 🙂

</Coding Blonde>


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