You are a Visual Learner
Visual learners learn best when they can visualise things and imagine them in space. They benefit from colorful videos, diagrams and being able to draw things out.
Characteristics of Visual Learners:
They think in pictures
Enjoy watching videos and visualising information
Easily identify patterns in what they see
Are typically good with charts, diagrams and maps
Need to visualise things in order to understand them
Draw and doodle a lot
Have a vivid imagination and sometimes get lost in mental wandering
Have a holistic, bigger picture thinking
Strategies for Learning:
Look out for learning materials with lots of visual explanations (e.g. diagrams)
Supplement your studies with additional visual stimuli
Drawing things out yourself
Create diagrams & doodle to understand concepts better
Write out lists to structure information
Color-coordinate your notes
Take detailed notes with drawings
Hybrid Visual Learners:
You could also be a hybrid learner! Here are some hybrid learning style options:
Read more about the other learning styles to see if you can enhance your studying strategies with a hybrid model: Auditory, Kinesthetic
Finally, make sure that your learning materials help you motivate you to learn. Some motivating factors I’ve discovered are:
1. Course Timing/Schedule
Whether you have a set schedule for the course (e.g. if it is live) or if it is on-demand. Be honest with yourself, what would motivate you to put in the work more?
2. Social Pressure
Some people need company and social pressure for motivation, while some prefer to do things on their own. Which one are you?
3. Paid vs. Free
A huge motivating factor for me – if I’ve paid for something, I value it much more than free resources. Again, be honest with yourself here to find the perfect course for you.