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December 29: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 91

In Partnership with my 3-Day Reflection Challenge 2020

Welcome to the final issue of Women in Tech Weekly of 2020! What a year this has been and nevertheless, this community continued inspiring us and sharing valuable resources. Thank you to every single one of you for sharing, reading, supporting and celebrating!

If you’d like to submit anything for next week’s issue, please do so using the submission form at the bottom of this post.

Celebrations 🥂🎉

Temiola spoke as a co-host in a CH room for the first time!

So proud of you, Temi! Going outside of your comfort zone and pushing despite the nerves is how we all grow ❤️

This is my first time speaking in a CH room as a co-host and I was so nervous beforehand but it’s actually not too scary! This is a big step for me as an introvert 😂 — Temilola. (@TemiOlukoko) December 22, 2020

Nicole got into a Bootcamp on a full scholarship!

This is AMAZING, Nicole! Congratulations, this is so well-deserved! 🥰

Ingrid got her first job in tech with no prior background in programming!

Yesss it’s all about hard work and believing in yourself despite all of those lows. So happy for you, Ingrid, this is amazing! 🥰

I got the job!!!!! Weeeooow! No CS degree, no background in programming (I'm a nurse!). Just hours of studying and reminding myself that ANYTHING is possible with persistence and determination! 😊😊😊😊🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳#igotthejob #SoftwareEngineer #100DaysOfCode started it! — Ingrid (@IngridEliseV) December 24, 2020

Laila celebrated her 24th!

Happy Birthday, you absolute superstar! May this year take you to new levels and bring you so much joy ❤️

2020 has been crazy, emotional, painful, raw, transformational and had a ton of learnings for all of us. Join me in processing this year with this 3-Day Reflection Challenge!

Resources 👩‍💻

Marie says:

Use Notion to organize and keep track of scientific papers or even websites you want to read in the future. Stop using Mendeley or Zotoro! 😀

Temi shares her experience getting her first job in a technology graduate scheme as a recent grad!

Mayuko’s third video critiquing her own resumes. Super insightful for anyone who is currently updating theirs!

If you’re looking to enter 2021 on a healthier note, this video is for you!

Sharing my biggest life learnings form 2020 in this casual format – there are lots of stories from this year and books that have had a lot of impact on my world view.


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